Psycho For Love: Magdi Faiz Girgis hired a hitman to kill his wife, Ariet Girgis; Sentenced to LWOP | Become a Crime Scene Investigator

Psycho For Love: Magdi Faiz Girgis hired a hitman to kill his wife, Ariet Girgis; Sentenced to LWOP | Become a Crime Scene Investigator

Ariet Girgis

Husband Arrested in Wife’s Cold Case Murder

Husband charged with murder in 2004 Westminster stabbing

Westminster man to face trial for 2004 special circumstances conspiracy-murder of wife

Husband convicted in 2004 contract killing of wife

Brothers brace for …

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Psycho For Love: Magdi Faiz Girgis hired a hitman to kill his wife, Ariet Girgis; Sentenced to LWOP