Monsters Among Us: Cameron Hooker kidnapped Colleen Stan and then kept her as a sex slave for 7 years | Become a Crime Scene Investigator

Monsters Among Us: Cameron Hooker kidnapped Colleen Stan and then kept her as a sex slave for 7 years | Become a Crime Scene Investigator


Marie Elizabeth Spannhake, 19 (not charged due to no physical evidence)

Colleen Stan, 20

Colleen Stan is a survivor and a hero. She survived an unimaginable nightmare and, just like the Cleveland girls, just wants to help others who have endured similar situations.

Janice Hooker told police that Cameron Hooker killed missing young woman Marie Elizabeth Spannhake. Her remains could not be found, so no charges were able to be filed. However, Cameron Hooker was sent…

To learn more visit: Bonnie’s Blog of Crime

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Monsters Among Us: Cameron Hooker kidnapped Colleen Stan and then kept her as a sex slave for 7 years