Drug cannon discovered in Sonora | Become a Crime Scene Investigator

Drug cannon discovered in Sonora | Become a Crime Scene Investigator


Published from ZETA

Translated by El Wachito

Mexican police have found a ‘homemade cannon’ used to launch drugs across the border

According to the CNS (Comisión Nacional de Seguridad), the federal police seized a vehicle modified with a cannon that was used to launch packages of drugs across the Mexican Border.

Borderland Beat

Authorities in Arizona have discovered a lighted, ventilated cross-border drug smuggling tunnel more than two football fields long and possibly linked to the Sinaloa drug cartel just steps from an official border-crossing checkpoint between Mexico and the U.S.

Local and federal officials found the tunnel’s entrance hidden under a water tank in a one-story building in San Luis, Arizona, near Yuma. The tunnel then plunged 55 feet down before turning south for Mexico. The 240-yard tunnel, which had six-foot ceilings, lighting and ventilation, surfaced across the border inside an ice factory in San Luis Rio Colorado, Mexico.

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