Crime History: The Death Of Jeffrey Dahmer And The Evolution Of Cruising Serial Killers | Become a Crime Scene Investigator

Crime History: The Death Of Jeffrey Dahmer And The Evolution Of Cruising Serial Killers | Become a Crime Scene Investigator

On November 28, 1994, Jeffrey Dahmer — aka “The Milwaukee Cannibal” — departed his cell in Wisconsin’s Columbia Correctional Institute for his work detail cleaning a bathroom next to the prison’s gym.

As Dahmer attended to his duties, Chrisopher Scarver, a fellow inmate doing life for a 1990 murder, savagely beat the notorious serial killer about the face and head with a smuggled-in iron bar. Scarver also repeatedly slammed Dahmer’s skull against a wall. Guards rushed the barely alive Dahmer to a local hospital, where he died an hour after arriving.

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Crime History: The Death Of Jeffrey Dahmer And The Evolution Of Cruising Serial Killers